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Ctc beats Catania and sees the playoffs #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%

The victory against Cus Catania with a score of 3-1 represents a fundamental step towards salvation for Club Tennis Ceriano and a door that opens with a view to the playoffs.

But above all, a success that strengthens the position of the Brianza club in the upper parts of the A2 group 2 standings. In the first singles match of the day, Maria Aurelia Scotti defeated Noemi La Cagnina with a score of 6-4 6-3. Following this, Carola Cavelli tried unsuccessfully to counter the game of Miriana Tona who won 6-3 6-4. Ceriano’s new advantage came at the hands of Rachele Zingale who got the better of Giulia Paternò in three sets (6-4 2-6 6-3). As often happens, it was the doubles that was decisive for the outcome of the challenge. The Ceriano couple Cavelli/Scotti, on the court together for the first time, defeated Tona/Paternò in a match with a thousand faces, which ended with a score of 3-6 6-2 10/7. With these results, the Ceriano Tennis Club is at 6 points in the standings, confirming itself among the most competitive teams in the group.

“A fantastic day, this success is fundamental for salvation – commented captain Silverio Basilico -. We are proving once again that we can stay in this category. Coming to the matches, Scotti always played with drive, always aggressive despite that small problem with her back that made us tremble a bit. Cavelli also played well and, despite being defeated, she fought hard. Zingale also had a difficult opponent in front of her, but with heart and mind she brought home a fundamental match. In the unprecedented doubles, I saw the feeling between Scotti and Cavelli grow point after point, they really showed the spirit that guides our team”. A spirit that will also be decisive in the fifth matchday scheduled for Sunday 3 November: we go to the capital to face Tc Parioli.


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